Community Gardens

Feeding and educating our community

Partridge Creek Farm started as a single garden in the backyard of our founder, Dan Perkins. Seeing how this garden drew members of the community together, Dan founded Partridge Creek Farm in 2013. Since then, Partridge Creek Farm has established, and maintains five community gardens situated throughout Ishpeming. These gardens serve as community gather space offering public grazing beds, an outdoor classroom for our farm to school programming, and the foundation for our food production that allows us to feed our community.

Partridge Creek Community Garden

301 E. Euclid St., Ishpeming, MI

The Partridge Creek Community Garden provides raised garden beds for rent to community members throughout the growing season. Adjacent to these rental beds, communal grazing beds are available outside the fenced area for everyone to enjoy. The community is invited to harvest from the grazing beds once the produce is ripe, but please be considerate of others and adhere to the signage to ensure an ample harvest for all!

Partridge Creek Hematite Garden at Carpet One

400 Lakeshore Dr., Ishpeming, MI

The Hematite Garden, situated at the Carpet One business in Ishpeming, is a hub for growing produce for our CSA produce subscription program. Additionally, we maintain community grazing beds outside the fenced area. We welcome the community to harvest from the unfenced beds, but kindly ask that you respect others and ensure there's plenty for all!

Partridge Creek Inspiration Orchard

105 York St., Ishpeming, MI 

The Inspiration Orchard is a lush greenspace, with fruit trees, raspberries, native, and perennial plants. A perfect space for community gatherings under the pavilion or a leisurely stroll. The orchard welcomes community members to harvest ripe fruits, but please be considerate of others and ensure ample fruit for everyone!

Partridge Creek Ishpeming Middle School Garden

111 S. Third, St, Ishpeming, MI

The Ishpeming Middle School Garden serves as a vibrant hub for students in our Farm to School Program, offering hands-on learning about growing, cooking, and harvesting local produce. The garden also hosts beehives, an integral part of our farm to school programming and are maintained by the students themselves. Proceeds from our annual student farmstand, held in the garden, funded these beehives.

Partridge Creek Elk’s Garden

597 Lakeshore Dr., Ishpeming, MI

Established in partnership with the Elk's Lodge in Ishpeming, Elk’s garden plays a crucial role in our CSA produce Subscription Boxes, providing fresh produce weekly during the growing season at our farm stand. Equipped with an automated watering system and a small pavilion, the garden is also a venue for PCF community workshops and events. Beyond the fenced growing area, you'll discover hugelkultur beds with various raspberry varieties, open for community harvesting. Please be mindful of others and ensure there's enough fruit for everyone! The Elks Garden is home to four beehives, integral to our Beekeeping Apprenticeship Program.

Community Gardens Map

Click the blue markers below for directions to garden site.

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