How to Use Our Community Grazing Beds to Harvest Fresh Produce

Did you know that Partridge Creek Farm has 11 total Community Grazing Beds at a few of our garden sites?

Community Grazing Beds are garden beds that are located outside of the garden gates. These unique spaces are dedicated to fostering community involvement and providing a shared area where members can actively harvest fresh produce from these beds!

Know before you go, please read below to learn more about how these grazing beds work!

Partridge Creek Community Grazing Bed Locations

Click on each garden to access a map, or visit our PCF Community Gardens page on our website to read more about our sites!

Ishpeming Middle School Garden

Partridge Creek Community Garden

How to Harvest Produce From These Beds | Note The Signage

The photo on the left shows exactly what these painted signs looks like. They even have some fun produce puns so you can have fun while harvesting!

Green Painted Signs= OKAY to harvest produce from these beds!

Red= NO, please do not harvest from these beds, the produce is still growing!

Rules of the Gardens:

Please always remember the rules of the garden to ensure that there is enough produce for everyone to share!

It is important to never enter the gates of the garden as this food is being grown by our community members or being grown for other programs! All of our garden sites are monitored.

  1. Only Harvest What You Need

  2. Be Respectful, Clean Up After Yourself

  3. Do Not Enter The Garden Gates

Happy Harvesting!


Partridge Creek Farm Receives Innovation Hub Award


Success:UP Power Company Generously Donates a Farm Truck to PCF