PCF’s Farm to School Program Returns!

Partridge Creek Farm’s cornerstone Farm-to-School program has grown significantly since its inception in 2013– providing weekly, year-round nutrition, cooking, and gardening education to 5th and 6th graders. The Farm to School Program begins in the fall during the school year, transitions in to our Healthy Cooking Program in the Winter, and picks back up again in the Spring outdoors in the Middle School Garden!

The Farm to School Program

In the second week of September PCF’s Education Coordinator, Keats Dormont welcomed 5th and 6th grade students back into the Ishpeming Middle School Garden.

Students learned the rules of the garden and began learning about plant identification and other topics regarding plants, growing food, and harvesting food. We cant’ wait to see what this year has in store for our 5th and 6th graders!


PCF Wraps Up Summer Programming